Podcast guide

Posted by CodeDad70 on September 8, 2018

I have been having some computer issues this week so as I watch the updates go by in my terminal I have been listening to some of my favorite code related podcasts. I thought I would share a few…

Code View - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/codeview/id1380293751?mt=2

This is a podcast that has two industry vets and one beginner talk about becoming a developer. I haven’t listened to this one a ton but check out the pilot episode on imposter syndrome. It’s something I think we all struggle with and something I have personally been fighting. I found that episode very helpful.

Front End Happy Hour - http://frontendhappyhour.com/

This is a little more advanced stuff, but it deals with all front end stuff. There are some really interesting subjects. It’s been going a while so there are a lot of episodes to check out. I keep eyeing React Native so I found episode 40 especially interesting…

Javascript Jabber - https://devchat.tv/js-jabber/

As the title implies this deals with all things JS. There a LOT of episodes in this series as well. One I found especially intereresting was episode 313. It is all about functional javascript and features Kyle Simpson (author of You Don’t Know JS) He talks about his book Functional-Light Javascript. I found it to be a very helpful overview and introduction to functional JS.

Finally CodeNewbie - https://www.codenewbie.org/ CodeNewbies has a great podcast on a wide range of subjects from a beginner’s approach that I find very helpful in learning things I’m not very familiar with.

Those are just a few podcasts I have been listening to as I drive around or fix my computer (grrrr) . I have found them very helpful in at least getting me to think about some new things. I hope you find them helpful !