Looking at GraphQL

Posted by CodeDad70 on August 31, 2018

This week I had a code challenge that involved using GraphQl with Apollo in conjuction with React at the front end. It is a LOT to pick up, so I thought I would share some of the links I came across while trying to figure it all out. This is far from comprehensive - just a couple code alongs I found super helpful as I tried to wrap my head around the post restful api idea .

First things first start here : https://www.howtographql.com/

This has a good over view of how GraphQL works, what makes it different. On top of that there is a good tutorial to get you started.

I needed to work more on state management however so I started reading up on Apollo and how it deals with local state (think redux but instead of a store it’s a cache) The Apollo docs are a good place to start :


The way Apollo manages state is VERY different than redux. It uses queries to retrieve data rom the state and mutations to write changes to your state. Resolvers are in a way like reducers in Redux - they take the action you assign and in the case of Apollo assign the proper mutation or query.

This code along was a good step by step walk through of this and helped me understand the principles a bit:


Finally I found this multi part code along very very helpful.


It’s pretty in depth - it not only goes over some simple toggle mutations (counter up / counter down) but also went through some implementations with forms that I found very helpful and couldn’t really find anywhere else. What is neat about this codealong is at the end the author refactors the code using Apollo boost - taking away some of the unecessary complexity. I found this really helpful as I was having dificulty understanding what boost did.

Using a GraphQL, Apollo, and React stack is…. a lot. I have been very challenged by this and am not even close to fully understanding how the pieces fit together. The resources I listed went a long way in helping me at least start to wrap my head around the basics and I hope they help you !